デュポンの目的は世界の繁栄に不可欠なイノベーションを起こすことです。そのために重要な取り組みを行っています。地球上の 10 億人以上の人々に清潔な水を提供すること、スマートフォンから電気自動車まで日常のテクノロジー機器に欠かせない資材を製造すること、世界中の働く人を守ることなどに取り組んでいます。この世界にいる才能豊かな人たちがデュポンで働くことを選ぶ理由を知ってください。デュポンを選ぶ理由 | デュポン キャリア https://careers.dupont.com/jp/ja/whyjoinus
The Electronics & Industrial (E&I) business, which is a part of Dupont Specialty Products is looking for motivated senior safety engineering professional to support its flagship manufacturing site located in Circleville, Ohio. This role is embedded within our Vespel® Production Unit and will provide day to day EHS and PSM support to the Unit along with setting strategic direction for EHS improvement in the Unit. Significant new assets were recently brought online at the Circleville Site, and other significant investments are underway. The site proudly maintains OSHA VPP “Star” certification and is ISO 14001 certified.
The DuPont Circleville Site includes several businesses within the DuPont company including the Electronics & Industrial business which is a technology leader with a unique depth and breadth of knowledge, applications and technical expertise, and product portfolio. Our products serve the semiconductor, advanced chip packaging, circuit board, electronic and industrial finishing, photovoltaic, display, and digital and flexographic printing industries. Electronics & Industrial is a leading innovator with unmatched materials integrations expertise, built upon our recognized strong customer relationships and our global market presence.
This safety-focused role will develop, implement, evaluate, and maintain safety programs, policies, and processes to achieve an injury-free workplace and regulatory compliance. This position reports to the EHS Regional Hub Leader and takes additional guidance from the Vespel® Unit Manager.
Your Key Responsibilities:
Develop, facilitate, and promote employee Workplace safety and safety improvement. Support OSHA Recordkeeping and injury/illness case management.
Implement workplace EHS requirements, processes/procedures as well as establish safety expectations. Communicate and coordinate guidelines for employee and contractor safety awareness.
Recommend improvements and standardization to practices and procedures to ensure safe and healthy work conditions and maintain right to operate (environmental compliance).
Conduct and/or review job safety analyses and processes to identify and mitigate EHS issues, including ergonomic and occupational health risks. Provides compliance advice for hazard prevention and risk-control principles and strategies.
Track, calculate, and report health and safety metrics.
Conduct or participate in Pre-Start-up Safety Reviews (PSSR’s).
Ensure timely reporting, classification, and investigation of EHS incident or near miss events and communicate key learnings from environmental, health and safety events.
Complete regulatory submissions, notifications, etc. required to maintain compliance with federal, state, and local EHS requirements. Interact with EHS agency for inspections and regulatory advocacy.
Drive EHS audit program to examine compliance with regulations and conformance with corporate standards and other related commitments. Ensure the tracking to closure of corrective and improvement actions taken in response to audit findings. Perform data analysis of the results.
Lead, develop or coordinate training programs to increase proficiency in EHS practices and promote awareness.
Lead specialized work streams or be called upon to participate in other safety networks or committees within the organization. Deliver Safety Engineering Improvements that improve everyday operation/maintenance in the Unit (e.g. Ergonomics)
Keep the line organization appraised in making timely adjustments and continuously improve performance indicators through statistical analysis, performance metrics (leading and lagging indicators), monitoring results, etc. for organization’s EHS programs.
Work with the broader Circleville EHS Team and Regional EHS Hub to standardize policies and procedures and leverage best practices across the Hub sites.
Facilitate Process Safety Management Program for the Unit and provide focused expertise on certain PSM Elements
Drive Environmental Management Systems
Your Qualification Profile:
Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical or Chemical Engineering with safety experience and/or Occupational Health and Safety or affiliated discipline or another applicable technical field, Industrial Health and Safety,
5+ years of professional experience working in manufacturing or chemical industry in a safety engineering role is required
Ability to work independently, contribute within a team, and actively engage and partner with manufacturing and technical associates.
EHS functional/technical expertise with strong knowledge of safe work practices (including OSHA Regulations), auditing, record keeping, investigation/RCFA, regulatory permitting and preparing/delivering training.
Experience knowledge of industrial hygiene principles and monitoring techniques
Organizational priority-setting skills, attention to detail, follow-through, effective written and verbal communication skills in English.
Ability to build consensus and influence a diverse group of associates in safe behaviors and practices.
Working knowledge of Environmental regulations.
Experience with EHS Management Systems (eg ISO14001)
Process Safety Management experience
Project implementation
Procedure development
2024 年 5 月 22 日、当社は株主の皆様に、エレクトロニクス事業と水事業を非課税で分離する計画を発表しました。2025 年 1 月 15 日、エレクトロニクス事業の分社化 (「エレクトロニクス分社化」) の完了予定日を 2025 年 11 月 1 日とすることを発表しました。合わせて、水事業を継続することもお知らせしました。当社は、将来的なエレクトロニクス事業に向け、スムーズかつ成功裏な分社化プロセスを確実に実現するべく取り組んでいます。進化し続ける組織の継続的な成功と成長に貢献したいという意欲を持つ新しい人材をお迎えすることを楽しみにしています。
(1) この分割手続きは、デュポンの取締役会による最終承認、弁護士からの税務意見の聴取、米国証券取引委員会への Form 10 登録書の提出と有効性、該当する規制当局の承認、および十分な資金調達の遂行など、通例の条件が満たされることを条件とします。分割手続きの達成、予定時期、想定利益に影響を与える可能性のあるリスク、不確実性、前提事項の詳細については、デュポンのお知らせを参照してください。https://www.dupont.com/news/dupont-announces-plan-to-separate-into-three-independent-publicly-traded-companies.html
デュポンは雇用機会の均等を重視しています。応募者は、人種、肌の色、宗教、信条、性別、性的指向、ジェンダー アイデンティティ、婚姻状況、出身国、年齢、退役軍人のステータス、身体障害、またはその他の保護の対象となるクラスに関係なく選考されます。ポジションの検索または応募のために合理的配慮が必要な場合は、当社の Accessibility Page (アクセシビリティ ページ)にある連絡先情報をご確認くださいhttp://www.dupont.com/accessibility.html