デュポンの目的は世界の繁栄に不可欠なイノベーションを起こすことです。そのために重要な取り組みを行っています。地球上の 10 億人以上の人々に清潔な水を提供すること、スマートフォンから電気自動車まで日常のテクノロジー機器に欠かせない資材を製造すること、世界中の働く人を守ることなどに取り組んでいます。この世界にいる才能豊かな人たちがデュポンで働くことを選ぶ理由を知ってください。デュポンを選ぶ理由 | デュポン キャリア https://careers.dupont.com/jp/ja/whyjoinus
DuPont Water and Protection currently has a position available as an Automation & Process Control (A&PC) Engineer for Water Solutions located in Chauny, France.
This A&PC Engineer will provide automation and process control technical services to the Chauny Ion Exchange site in support of the operation, maintenance, troubleshooting, and continuous improvement of the plant’s Siemens automation and process control infrastructure. The A&PC Engineer will apply control system design principles and knowledge to support the development, implementation, commissioning, and validation of the successful operation of applications to ensure optimum efficiency, availability, and safety.
The A&PC Engineer will work with a team to update, maintain, troubleshoot, and improve the process automation systems in the plant. They will be a recognized technical expert within the site A&PC team with impact on day-to-day operations as well as future success of the facility.
Continued technical and professional development is required in this position to ensure the facility remains up to date on control system technology.
Job Description:
Champion and implement improvements in systems capabilities that will increase the ability to meet customer needs and improve business competitiveness following required change management processes. Drive improvements through small capital projects, advanced control techniques, loop tuning, and various automation tools.
Support existing Siemens systems to improve safety, quality, reliability, uptime, capacity, and yields.
Responsible for lifecycle status and periodic health check of installed base control systems.
Work on project teams and with process automation contractors to realize the objectives of technical programs and projects involving automation and process control technology. Provide control systems input into project development and design schedules.
Support day-to-day and after-hour troubleshooting of equipment operation issues which may be related to controls design or programming to assure safe and continuous operation. Member of a team that provides support, as needed, to control systems across the site for reliable 24/7 operation of production assets.
Provide technical support for new project start-ups, test runs, and special procedures as needed.
Program and troubleshoot Siemens S7 PLC .
Participate in Process Safety Management (PSM) program, PSSR (Pre-Startup Safety Reviews), and Management of Change (MOC) processes.
Serve as Alarm Management Lead for Siemens system
Develop competency in Layers of Protection Analysis (LOPA). Implement and maintain the instrumented layers of protection identified by LOPA as required, including basic process control system (BPCS) credits, operator response to alarm (OPR) credits, and safety integrity functions (SIF).
Participate with investigations of process control incidents or incidents involving process automation and ensure follow-up actions are completed to prevent recurrences. Lead, coordinate, and implement root cause failure analysis on significant failures.
Participate in cyber security improvement through ensuring antivirus and patching systems are kept to date.
Ensure control software management is adequate and applied to achieve the site’s goals.
Provide programming and commissioning support, and basic administration of control systems including monitoring and upkeep of all applications.
Support implementation of Aspen Tech IP21.
Act as a resource for operations and maintenance on procedures, training, and standards. Train operations personnel on process control concepts as needed.
Assist in developing and achieving control system goals and ensure tasks are completed.
Occasional travel (<5% of time) may be required for training or sharing technology with other global Dupont sites.
Required Education/Qualifications/Work Experience:
Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering
5+ years of chemical process manufacturing or related experience required
Strong track record implementing, improving, and supporting Process Control systems
Knowledge of process industry standards and codes (ISA, IEC, etc.)
Experience designing and implementing regulatory control schemes in a DCS
Siemens S7 PLC configuration skills
Experience troubleshooting, revising, and optimizing existing control schemes
Experience with loop tuning and control loop performance improvement
Experience with SIF validation
Experience with High Hazard processes and process safety management preferred.
Able to troubleshoot problems to identify whether it's control system hardware/software, instrument, network, or process related.
Assignment will require on-call support.
Ability to communicate with impact (both written & oral). Good interpersonal skills to allow productive and collaborative relationships with internal & external customers, vendors, operations, mechanical, and technical personnel.
Must be self-motivated and have attention to detail with ability to work both independently and effectively with other team members.
Ability to understand / support complex operation with technically challenging processes
Ability to balance multiple tasks and competing priorities
Legal right to work in France without restriction.
Preferred Qualifications:
Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical, Chemical, or Control Engineering
Knowledge and interest in Cybersecurity, Active Directory, and Group Policies
Experience with design and implementation of IP21
Experience with Siemens S7 PLC programming
2024 年 5 月 22 日、当社は株主の皆様に、エレクトロニクス事業と水事業を非課税で分離する計画を発表しました。2025 年 1 月 15 日、エレクトロニクス事業の分社化 (「エレクトロニクス分社化」) の完了予定日を 2025 年 11 月 1 日とすることを発表しました。合わせて、水事業を継続することもお知らせしました。当社は、将来的なエレクトロニクス事業に向け、スムーズかつ成功裏な分社化プロセスを確実に実現するべく取り組んでいます。進化し続ける組織の継続的な成功と成長に貢献したいという意欲を持つ新しい人材をお迎えすることを楽しみにしています。
(1) この分割手続きは、デュポンの取締役会による最終承認、弁護士からの税務意見の聴取、米国証券取引委員会への Form 10 登録書の提出と有効性、該当する規制当局の承認、および十分な資金調達の遂行など、通例の条件が満たされることを条件とします。分割手続きの達成、予定時期、想定利益に影響を与える可能性のあるリスク、不確実性、前提事項の詳細については、デュポンのお知らせを参照してください。https://www.dupont.com/news/dupont-announces-plan-to-separate-into-three-independent-publicly-traded-companies.html
デュポンは雇用機会の均等を重視しています。応募者は、人種、肌の色、宗教、信条、性別、性的指向、ジェンダー アイデンティティ、婚姻状況、出身国、年齢、退役軍人のステータス、身体障害、またはその他の保護の対象となるクラスに関係なく選考されます。ポジションの検索または応募のために合理的配慮が必要な場合は、当社の Accessibility Page (アクセシビリティ ページ)にある連絡先情報をご確認くださいhttp://www.dupont.com/accessibility.html