デュポンの目的は世界の繁栄に不可欠なイノベーションを起こすことです。そのために重要な取り組みを行っています。地球上の 10 億人以上の人々に清潔な水を提供すること、スマートフォンから電気自動車まで日常のテクノロジー機器に欠かせない資材を製造すること、世界中の働く人を守ることなどに取り組んでいます。この世界にいる才能豊かな人たちがデュポンで働くことを選ぶ理由を知ってください。デュポンを選ぶ理由 | デュポン キャリア https://careers.dupont.com/jp/ja/whyjoinus
We are seeking a Vice President of Investor Relations to join our Electronics business, a DuPont spin-off. This position will report directly to the CFO of Electronics based at our company headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware.
As a global leader, our company specializes in electronic materials and semiconductor solutions, focusing on high-performance computing, AI, and smart vehicles. With an impressive $4 billion in revenue and a market cap of $20 billion, our enterprise value stands at $23 billion. You will be part of a diverse team of 10,000 employees committed to driving cutting-edge solutions.
Job Summary
This role will be responsible for developing and implementing the company’s investor relations strategy, ensuring effective communication with investors, analysts, and stakeholders. Provides strategic guidance, counsel and advice to the Senior Leadership Team and Board. Responsible for developing and driving enhanced messaging to external stakeholders to increase valuation.
Primary Duties and Responsibilities
The primary operating objective of the IR program is to work with senior management to educate and update investors about the Company’s strategies, execution, and performance.
Key member of Senior Leadership of the Company that will be involved in the strategic plan, annual plan and forecast reviews.
Key point of contact for sell side analysts as well as existing and potential shareholders.
Lead a strategic investor targeting program to onboard tier one, institutional shareholders.
Leads the global investor relations program, including strategy, operating plan, budget and the detailed execution of the IR operating plan.
Coordinates all aspects of the quarterly earnings call process including scripts, Q&A and website materials.
Collaborates with the Communications in creating the Company’s external and internal messages and in ensuring that all company communications are integrated and consistent.
Main contact for investors on all CSR and ESG disclosures which requires internal coordination with key sources of data and metrics.
Leads the IR effort to find, support, and encourage prospective investors by broadening awareness and interest through conferences, presentations, meetings, etc.
Supports investor decision-making processes through sell side conferences, non-deal roadshows, visits to institutions, individual meetings, visits by analysts and investors to company facilities and visits with appropriate other senior leaders.
Member of the Company’s Disclosure Committee to analyze disclosure requirements and provide recommendations to executive leadership.
Leads the creation of the publications and electronic media used in the IR program.
Acts as an internal consultant for the Company bringing industry, competitor and valuation information and perspectives from the investment community to senior management.
Coordinates periodic surveys of analysts and investors for their opinions and perceptions about the company.
Technical Acumen
A strategic and commercial, multifaceted executive with a breadth of Investor Relations and Finance experience.
Experience serving as a Head of Investor Relations or strategic #2 for a large, global, publicly listed company.
Experience in corporate finance/FP&A/Divisional CFO roles or buy/sell-side analyst positions, or Investment Banking.
Outstanding financial and investment analysis skills.
Clear and thorough understanding of the financial modeling techniques used by analysts to project a company’s operating and financial performance and the resulting value for its stock.
Business Partnership
Demonstrated ability to lead and influence as a company scales and/or evolves and encounters new industry-wide competitive pressure.
Stakeholder Management
Strong executive presence and proven experience interfacing with the Street, including analysts, investors, banks, investment banks, rating agencies, among other external constituents. An in-depth understanding of the financial and investment markets and the ability to establish new relationships quickly.
Leadership Competencies
Thorough understanding of company philosophy, strategic direction, goals and objectives in order to make effective use of company resources for short- and long-range financial needs.
Demonstrated success in building and developing high performing global teams.
Strong organizational skills; attention to detail.
Education & Experience
Bachelor's degree in finance, accounting, business administration, or a related field.
Minimum 10+ years of proven experience in a US-based, operationally complex global organization. Ability to quickly pivot to rapidly changing business conditions.
The successful candidate will be a multifaceted finance executive with a strategic mindset and strong commercial acumen.
Strong financial acumen, with experience in preparing financial reports and presentations for investors.
The ideal candidate is a combination of strategic visionary and detailed analyst, who can "see through the eyes" of multiple stakeholders.
Familiarity with the technical aspects of a business is essential, especially in the semiconductor industry, where an understanding of the chemistry involved in various processes is crucial.
Experience as a sell-side analyst focused on technology companies.
MBA or a master's degree in finance or a related discipline.
Location: Wilmington DE (in-office leadership presence required)
2024 年 5 月 22 日、当社は株主の皆様に、エレクトロニクス事業と水事業を非課税で分離する計画を発表しました。2025 年 1 月 15 日、エレクトロニクス事業の分社化 (「エレクトロニクス分社化」) の完了予定日を 2025 年 11 月 1 日とすることを発表しました。合わせて、水事業を継続することもお知らせしました。当社は、将来的なエレクトロニクス事業に向け、スムーズかつ成功裏な分社化プロセスを確実に実現するべく取り組んでいます。進化し続ける組織の継続的な成功と成長に貢献したいという意欲を持つ新しい人材をお迎えすることを楽しみにしています。
(1) この分割手続きは、デュポンの取締役会による最終承認、弁護士からの税務意見の聴取、米国証券取引委員会への Form 10 登録書の提出と有効性、該当する規制当局の承認、および十分な資金調達の遂行など、通例の条件が満たされることを条件とします。分割手続きの達成、予定時期、想定利益に影響を与える可能性のあるリスク、不確実性、前提事項の詳細については、デュポンのお知らせを参照してください。https://www.dupont.com/news/dupont-announces-plan-to-separate-into-three-independent-publicly-traded-companies.html
デュポンは雇用機会の均等を重視しています。応募者は、人種、肌の色、宗教、信条、性別、性的指向、ジェンダー アイデンティティ、婚姻状況、出身国、年齢、退役軍人のステータス、身体障害、またはその他の保護の対象となるクラスに関係なく選考されます。ポジションの検索または応募のために合理的配慮が必要な場合は、当社の Accessibility Page (アクセシビリティ ページ)にある連絡先情報をご確認くださいhttp://www.dupont.com/accessibility.html