デュポンの目的は世界の繁栄に不可欠なイノベーションを起こすことです。そのために重要な取り組みを行っています。地球上の 10 億人以上の人々に清潔な水を提供すること、スマートフォンから電気自動車まで日常のテクノロジー機器に欠かせない資材を製造すること、世界中の働く人を守ることなどに取り組んでいます。この世界にいる才能豊かな人たちがデュポンで働くことを選ぶ理由を知ってください。デュポンを選ぶ理由 | デュポン キャリア https://careers.dupont.com/jp/ja/whyjoinus
The HR Advisor provides HR administration services to DuPont employees. Tasks of the advisor include the following and further activities, guided by established service standards.
This position is a full-time role based in Asturias, Spain. This role is responsible for the Pay & Time functional expertise within the HR Direct Service Center. The role perform analysis, and data entry of specific cases impacting transactions in the payroll system (Immedis/UKG Payroll) and performs clerical and administrative activities specific to Payroll Timekeeping and responsible for providing employee assistance with inquiries related to Pay and Time and related policies, procedures, and transactions. This involves cross system analysis, and issue resolution to determine the data changes that require to be entered to ensure accurate pay. Results are reviewed with Payroll Administrator as well as Payroll Leads to reconcile the record for appropriate pay. The position works in tandem with the Payroll Administrator to ensure payroll is processed appropriately for the organization.
Job Responsibilities:
Process employee timekeeping-related data changes, coordinate data entry into third party systems where not automated
Convert source timekeeping data into upload-ready files, upload / assist in the upload of timekeeping files into the payroll system,
Create/update process related documentations, resolve errors related to timekeeping
Conduct data quality reviews, monitor and correct processing errors, maintain employee files and records to meet timekeeping requirements
Use procedures, policy manuals, knowledge management, and other reference materials to assist in answering and resolving employee/manager timekeeping inquiries / concerns
Communicate Human Resources and other related, policies, procedures, and government regulations, including proper utilization of the HR Shared Service Center (HR SSC)
Provides process and functional expertise for maintaining the Immedis/UKG payroll employee data
Processes spreadsheet loader for mass updates to Immedis/UKG for non-Workday compensation and allowances
Processes data entry for pay impacting issues requiring manual adjustments
Enter all master data and payroll data required for any off-cycle check payments
Correct overpayments and under payments where required by direct input to the Immedis/UKG Payroll system
Provide support and ensure timely entry of data for payroll cycles
Support special projects impacting payroll as needed (harmonization, frequency changes etc)
Supports the year-end processes
Analyzes implications of pre go live retro-active payroll adjustments and makes necessary updates in the system
Supporting ongoing data audit process
Ensure payroll processes are executed in a compliant manner
Bachelor’s degree in human resources, Accounting, Business Administration, Engineering or other related fields
Skills and Competencies:
Proficiency in English. Other languages, especially German, would be an asset.
1 to 3 years experience handling HR processes.
Proficient with MS Office tools (Outlook, Excel and Word) is a must.
Experience in using / managing one or more of the following systems is strongly preferred:Workforce Dimensions or Kronos/ADP E-Time
SAP/UKG Payroll
High degree of accuracy, often in time-critical situations
Effective communication skills to work with all levels
Experience in call center or shared services environment.
Experience with handling various international payrolls highly desirable. Preferably with strong background on EMEA payrolls
DuPont is an equal opportunity employer. Qualified applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, national origin, age, veteran status, disability or any other protected class. If you need a reasonable accommodation to search or apply for a position, please visit our Accessibility Page for Contact Information.
2024 年 5 月 22 日、当社は株主の皆様に、エレクトロニクス事業と水事業を非課税で分離する計画を発表しました。2025 年 1 月 15 日、エレクトロニクス事業の分社化 (「エレクトロニクス分社化」) の完了予定日を 2025 年 11 月 1 日とすることを発表しました。合わせて、水事業を継続することもお知らせしました。当社は、将来的なエレクトロニクス事業に向け、スムーズかつ成功裏な分社化プロセスを確実に実現するべく取り組んでいます。進化し続ける組織の継続的な成功と成長に貢献したいという意欲を持つ新しい人材をお迎えすることを楽しみにしています。
(1) この分割手続きは、デュポンの取締役会による最終承認、弁護士からの税務意見の聴取、米国証券取引委員会への Form 10 登録書の提出と有効性、該当する規制当局の承認、および十分な資金調達の遂行など、通例の条件が満たされることを条件とします。分割手続きの達成、予定時期、想定利益に影響を与える可能性のあるリスク、不確実性、前提事項の詳細については、デュポンのお知らせを参照してください。https://www.dupont.com/news/dupont-announces-plan-to-separate-into-three-independent-publicly-traded-companies.html
デュポンは雇用機会の均等を重視しています。応募者は、人種、肌の色、宗教、信条、性別、性的指向、ジェンダー アイデンティティ、婚姻状況、出身国、年齢、退役軍人のステータス、身体障害、またはその他の保護の対象となるクラスに関係なく選考されます。ポジションの検索または応募のために合理的配慮が必要な場合は、当社の Accessibility Page (アクセシビリティ ページ)にある連絡先情報をご確認くださいhttp://www.dupont.com/accessibility.html