듀폰은 필수적인 혁신을 통해 전 세계가 번영할 수 있도록 이바지하는 것을 목표로 삼고 있습니다. 우리는 중요한 사안을 해결하고자 노력합니다. 예를 들어 지구상 10억 명이 넘는 인구에게 깨끗한 물을 공급하거나, 스마트폰에서 전기차에 이르는 일상적인 기술 장치에 필수적인 소재를 생산하고, 전 세계 근로자를 보호하는 것 등이 우리가 생각하는 중요한 사안입니다. 세계 최고의 인재들이 듀폰을 직장으로 선택하는 수많은 이유를 알아보세요. 듀폰에 입사해야 하는 이유 | 듀폰 채용 https://careers.dupont.com/kr/ko/whyjoinus
Valley View & Stow Plant Manager
DuPont is seeking to hire a Plant Manager to lead the Valley View & Stow sites in Northeast Ohio. The Plant Manager has overall accountability for site personnel, EHS compliance, community relations, and local achievement of business and corporate goals at the Valley View and Stow, OH locations.
The Valley View and Stow sites are located south of Cleveland, Ohio near Interstate 77, Interstate 480, and the Ohio Turnpike. The Valley View site employs ~175 people while the Stow site employs ~40 people.
Both sites manufacture compression molded, close tolerance-machined composite parts for major aerospace, commercial, and military aircraft engine manufacturers worldwide.
• Accountable for EHS performance of the site. “Driving to Zero” injuries must be the EHS target.
• Accountable for full compliance with all regulatory requirements and DuPont requirements
• Accountable for assuring full compliance to DuPont Ethical Standards
• Ensures people treatment standards are clearly defined and administered equitably across the site.
• Plant Manager should take a strong lead in both words and action to support EHS performance including field visibility to lead by example and drive behaviors
• Sponsors site sustainability initiatives
• Leads, represents, and partners with local government and community organizations
• Has local, legal ownership of the Mechanical Integrity and Quality Assurance (MIQA) process results
• Acts as the Responsible Official for local, state, and federal environmental signings. This includes final legal accountability for all regulatory permits/licenses and remediation requirements.
• Landlord for emergency, community response and public relations.
• Accountable for security of site.
• Sponsors Health & Safety, Process Safety Management (PSM) and Environmental committees
People Leadership:
• Cultivates CARE (Connect, Appreciate, Respect, Empower) culture across the site
• Builds effective teams by driving site employee development process and ensuring site people succession planning meets future skill requirements
• Sponsors and Champions onsite DE&I networks; values and leverages differences in people
• Works with Site resources to foster relationships with local school systems and technical colleges ensuring education is adequate to meet DuPont’s current and future hiring needs
• Develops constructive relationships with local Contractors
• Promotes and expands the networks of succession candidates across businesses, regions, and DuPont globally.
• Advocates on behalf and is accessible to employees and stakeholders of the business.
• Promotes continuous improvement in employee engagement and satisfaction, through the utilization and monitoring of employee feedback.
• Spokesperson and representative to the site for corporate strategy and initiatives.
• Communicates business and site information in clear and compelling ways; connects people to purpose
Business Owner Mindset/Financial Acumen:
• Represents the site in the business strategy development and goal setting process.
Example: operational costs, asset efficiency/ reliability, yields, quality performance, etc
• Translates and communicates the business strategy and objectives to the site personnel and manages broadly to assure execution vs objectives.
• Oversees effectiveness of overall operations for all aspects of the Site including production, maintenance, technology and other manufacturing /units functions.
• Actively supports the continuous improvement of quality management systems in order to maintain industry certifications, as well as drive a continuous improvement mindset to meet customer needs.
• Inspires all levels of the organization to apply the concepts of continuous improvement, digital technology, value creation, and financial acumen skills to accelerate site profitability, productivity and customer-centric solutions.
• Accountable for site costs.
• Understands the products and critical customers supplied from the site.
• Works with other sites / functions to leverage best practices to the site.
• Conducts annual and long-term capital planning for site including 5-year infrastructure plans
• Ensures site infrastructure strategically maintained. Makes certain condition, reliability, and capability is adequate for current businesses.
• Manages tenants and utility providers. This includes legal agreements, services, and cost.
• Serves as the face of the company to the community.
• Steward of philanthropic funds and activities.
• Provides facilitative leadership within the Community Advisory panel.
• Represents DuPont at local, state, and community organizational levels.
• Networks and advocates with other local, industry, and business associations.
• Actively collaborates with local, regional and if appropriate national or international governmental bodies in shaping future regulations.
• Maintains housekeeping and exterior image to community.
• Legal authority for local transactions.
• Hosts events for both internal and external stakeholders and visitors.
• 10+ years of Manufacturing Experience
• BS Sciences, Engineering
• Prior site or unit management experience
• Strong visionary, change management and engagement skills
• Tech Savvy / Knowledge of Industry 4.0 approaches
• Multiple Cross-functional experiences (Mfg Tech, Project mgmt, Maint/Rel, EHS, SC, CI, HR, etc)
• Employee relations experience
• Ability to set priorities and provide direction to influence management and broader organization
• (Recommended) Supply Chain experience or equivalent training (APICS CSCP or CPIM)
• (Recommended) Six Sigma Certification
인재 커뮤니티에 가입하여 듀폰과의 만남을 이어가세요! https://careers.dupont.com/kr/ko/jointalentcommunity?applyType=JTC
2024년 5월 22일, 전자 및 수자원 사업부문을 주주에게 과세 부담 없는 형태로 분리하겠다는 계획을 발표했습니다. 2025년 1월 15일에는 2025년 11월 1일까지 전자 사업부문 분사 완료를 목표로 한다고 발표했습니다("전자 사업 분사 예정")*. 또한 수자원 사업은 유지할 것임을 발표했습니다. 우리는 향후 전자 사업이 원활하고 성공적으로 분리될 수 있도록 최선을 다하고 있으며, 지속적인 성공과 성장을 위해 기여할 새로운 인재의 영입을 기대합니다.
(1)기업 분할 거래는 듀폰 이사회의 최종 승인, 자문 변호사의 세무 소견 수령, 미국 증권 거래 위원회(SEC)에 Form 10 등록 성명서 제출 및 유효성 확인, 관련 규제 기관의 승인, 자금 조달 완료 등 관례적인 여건을 충족해야 마무리됩니다. 실현 여부에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 리스크, 불확실성과 가정, 예상 시기 및 기업 분할 거래를 통해 이루고자 하는 편익 등에 대한 자세한 논의는 듀폰 공지 사항을 참조하세요. https://www.dupont.com/news/dupont-announces-plan-to-separate-into-three-independent-publicly-traded-companies.html
듀폰은 기회균등 고용주입니다. 자격에 부합하는 지원자라면 인종, 피부색, 종교, 신념, 성별, 성적 지향성, 성적 정체성, 기혼 여부, 출신 국가, 나이, 재향군인 지위 유무, 장애 유무 또는 여타 모든 보호 대상 등급과 관계없이 채용 후보로 고려합니다. 포지션을 검색하거나 취업 지원을 위해 합당한 수준의 편의를 제공받아야 하는 경우, 장애인 편의 제공 페이지에서 연락처 정보를 확인하시기 바랍니다 http://www.dupont.com/accessibility.html