듀폰은 필수적인 혁신을 통해 전 세계가 번영할 수 있도록 이바지하는 것을 목표로 삼고 있습니다. 우리는 중요한 사안을 해결하고자 노력합니다. 예를 들어 지구상 10억 명이 넘는 인구에게 깨끗한 물을 공급하거나, 스마트폰에서 전기차에 이르는 일상적인 기술 장치에 필수적인 소재를 생산하고, 전 세계 근로자를 보호하는 것 등이 우리가 생각하는 중요한 사안입니다. 세계 최고의 인재들이 듀폰을 직장으로 선택하는 수많은 이유를 알아보세요. 듀폰에 입사해야 하는 이유 | 듀폰 채용 https://careers.dupont.com/kr/ko/whyjoinus
DuPont - Facilities Services and Real Estate seeks an Senior Electrical Engineer to provide leadership and technical support at both of the Wilmington Sites; the corporate headquarters site at Chestnut Run Plaza and the DuPont Central Research Campus at the Experimental Station.
This Engineer will provide electrical engineering support for the design, operations and maintenance of the high voltage power distribution (up to 34kv) infrastructure. The Senior Electrical Engineer is responsible for technical competency and stewardship for the high voltage systems. They will lead the continuous improvement efforts for reliability, efficiency, and cost effectiveness of the electrical systems.
The Senior Electrical Engineer reports directly to the Engineering Manager. This position has regular contact with capital project teams, high voltage electricians, contractors, site management, internal customers, and EHS (Environmental, Health and Safety).
Your Key Responsibilities:
Responsible for technical adequacy of power facilities and stewardship for power operating and maintenance strategies.
Day-to-day technical support to Power Operations and Maintenance in the areas of Process Safety Management, Energy Conservation, Mechanic Training, Equipment Repair/Replacement, Design/Specification, Evaluation of Equipment Performance, Safety & Environmental Issues, Regulatory Compliance (Local, State, Federal). –
Demonstrated ability working collaboratively on capital project teams, delivering capital improvement plans, and developing capital justifications.
Develop long-range capital plans for overall improvement of high voltage electrical infrastructure.
Developing capital project basic data, participating in project front-end loading and representing facilities' owner for project commissioning.
Responsible for overseeing the regulatory compliance program for all site diesel generators.
Serve as an energy conservation resource to the FS&RE ECON team by monitoring daily electricity pricing.
Assist with the preparation and review of electrical procedures and execute the management of change (MOC) process.
Develop reliability programs to maintain continuity of operations, preparing annual equipment overhaul schedules, leading the planning and execution strategy for building and sitewide electrical system shutdowns and implementing standard maintenance, test, calibration and inspection procedures and protocols for electrical distribution equipment.
Prepare SKM coordination, short circuit and flash hazards studies for new and modified equipment installations.
This role functions as the technical guardian for all engineering documentation.
Acts as the primary resource and technical interface with the local public electric utility.
The Engineer will oversee the design and specification of stand-by diesel generators and UPS systems for back-up to critical business operations.
The Engineer will be expected to stay current with the latest technology, relevant DuPont and industry standards and the NEC code.
Your Qualification Profile:
Bachelor’s Degree in electrical engineering.
The role requires a thorough understanding and use of the National Electrical Code (NEC), electrical engineering principles, as well as relevant regulations and safety codes.
Proficient in Power Tools for Windows
5+ years of experience and knowledge of high voltage power distribution system operation and maintenance best practices.
Must be self-motivated with demonstrated ability to organize, prioritize and administer numerous complex tasks with minimal supervision.
Excellent communications / interpersonal skills to develop effective relationships with internal and external resources.
Demonstrated knowledge of electrical safety hazards analysis.
Demonstrated knowledge of preventive and predictive maintenance practices for high voltage power distribution systems and equipment.
Demonstrated ability to produce written communications accurately, completely, concisely and in a timely fashion.
Demonstrated ability to function effectively in a diverse team of business, technical, crafts and contract partners in a cooperative and efficient manner.
Skills Preferred
Demonstrated use of Six Sigma methodology (must be Green Belt or Black Belt certified).
Demonstrated use of creating and inputting maintenance plans in SAP Maintenance Module.
인재 커뮤니티에 가입하여 듀폰과의 만남을 이어가세요! https://careers.dupont.com/kr/ko/jointalentcommunity?applyType=JTC
2024년 5월 22일, 전자 및 수자원 사업부문을 주주에게 과세 부담 없는 형태로 분리하겠다는 계획을 발표했습니다. 2025년 1월 15일에는 2025년 11월 1일까지 전자 사업부문 분사 완료를 목표로 한다고 발표했습니다("전자 사업 분사 예정")*. 또한 수자원 사업은 유지할 것임을 발표했습니다. 우리는 향후 전자 사업이 원활하고 성공적으로 분리될 수 있도록 최선을 다하고 있으며, 지속적인 성공과 성장을 위해 기여할 새로운 인재의 영입을 기대합니다.
(1)기업 분할 거래는 듀폰 이사회의 최종 승인, 자문 변호사의 세무 소견 수령, 미국 증권 거래 위원회(SEC)에 Form 10 등록 성명서 제출 및 유효성 확인, 관련 규제 기관의 승인, 자금 조달 완료 등 관례적인 여건을 충족해야 마무리됩니다. 실현 여부에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 리스크, 불확실성과 가정, 예상 시기 및 기업 분할 거래를 통해 이루고자 하는 편익 등에 대한 자세한 논의는 듀폰 공지 사항을 참조하세요. https://www.dupont.com/news/dupont-announces-plan-to-separate-into-three-independent-publicly-traded-companies.html
듀폰은 기회균등 고용주입니다. 자격에 부합하는 지원자라면 인종, 피부색, 종교, 신념, 성별, 성적 지향성, 성적 정체성, 기혼 여부, 출신 국가, 나이, 재향군인 지위 유무, 장애 유무 또는 여타 모든 보호 대상 등급과 관계없이 채용 후보로 고려합니다. 포지션을 검색하거나 취업 지원을 위해 합당한 수준의 편의를 제공받아야 하는 경우, 장애인 편의 제공 페이지에서 연락처 정보를 확인하시기 바랍니다 http://www.dupont.com/accessibility.html